Small World!
I live in corporate temporary housing. The State Department contracts with the company that owns and manages it, and employees here in the D.C. area in a training status can opt to live here, or find a place on their own. The beauty of living here is that I didn't have to find a place, negotiate a lease, and then submit paperwork every month to be reimbursed for the rent. It's not as glamorous to live here as maybe it is in other parts of the D.C. area, but it's damned convenient and hassle-free.
My Temporary Home-Away-From-Home
A few days ago, as I was walking to the communal grills, I saw someone who looked really familiar. I think I looked familiar to him, too, because he sort of did a double-take. I was in a hurry, and didn't think much about it. A day later, I ran into him again, and this time I stopped to talk to him, and lo and behold, it turns out we were in the same law school class in Cincinnati!
He, too, practiced law in Cincinnati for a few years, then joined the Foreign Service. He has been on two overseas assignments, and is here studying a language for his next assignment. What a hoot!
Bid List
We received the bid list on the first day of class, and I am only writing about it now, three weeks later, because I feel I have finally recovered sufficiently from the experience of researching places and submitting my final preferences. What an ordeal! First I had to research posts to determine which had suitable schools. Of course, all the info I needed was not in one central location, but scattered around in various websites, in hardcopy in an office at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), and on the State Department intranet. Every evening, I'd skype with my family and we'd go over the various options. After two or so weeks of that, I (and a significant number of my classmates) were exhausted! The thought crossed my mind that I wish they'd just assign me and I know I would adapt to wherever I landed! However, I resolved to be thankful that anyone cared what my preferences are.
The list itself was very broad -- Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Canada, Mexico, the Carribbean, China, India, Europe, the Philipines. Some specific places that really caught my eye were Niger, Bangladesh, India, Serbia, Turkey, Kuwait, Burkina Faso, Russia, Melbourne, Peru, and Equador. I have no idea where we'll end up, but we'll find out on Friday, October 24th! If I had to guess, I think we'll end up in one of the following places:
Mexico City
Hong Kong
I'll let you know as soon as I find out!
Hi April!
We have enjoyed keeping up with you through your blog. We plan to visit in a few weeks if the offer is still open. Let's talk about it soon. I can't wait to see where you land!
Hi there! How do you like living in Oakwood? Would you recommend it? I just accepted an offer to the JAN09 orientation and am considering Oakwood. Seems too convenient not to pass up! Thanks!
I highly recommend Oakwood, unless you want to be close to D.C. clubs and restaurants.
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